< Blog HomePowerBooks to become obsolete in March
Just a heads-up: the following product lines will be obsolete on March 17th:
* PowerBook G4
* Power Mac G4 (Digital Audio)
* Power Mac G4 (Quicksilver)
* Macintosh Server G4 (Digital Audio)
* Macintosh Server G4 (Quicksilver)
The following lines will become "vintage" on March 17th (this means that replacement parts will only be available in California for a limited time):
* Xserve RAID
* Xserve (Slot Load)
* Xserve (Cluster Node)
If you own any of these items, it is worth stocking up on spares and getting any issues fixed before the March 17th deadline.
Posted by Jon Chappell on Feb 4 2009 to