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Solving missing framework errors in Final Cut Studio

If one of your Final Cut Studio applications crashes the minute you open it, chances are it's down to missing frameworks. If you click the Report button on the crash dialog, it will tell you the reason. Alternatively you can fire up the Console in /Applications/Utilities to see the message.

You'll probably see a message like this:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BrowserKit.framework/Versions/A/BrowserKit
Referenced from: /Applications/Soundtrack Pro
Reason: image not found

Here's how to copy that file back:

1. Firstly, if you have another machine running Final Cut Studio, it's much easier to take the file from that machine (in this case /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BrowserKit.framework) and copy it to the same location on the current machine.

2. If you don't have that luxury, you will need to extract it from your installation DVD. Put the disc in the drive and open up the Terminal in /Applications/Utilities.

3. If you are using Final Cut Studio 3, type the following:
cd /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
sudo gunzip -c '/Volumes/Final Cut Studio Install/Installer/Packages/ProRuntime.pkg/Contents/Resources/ProRuntime.pax.gz' | pax -r -s ',./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/,./,' './System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BrowserKit.framework'

If you are using Final Cut Studio 2, type the following:
cd /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
sudo gunzip -c '/Volumes/Final Cut Studio/Installer/Packages/ProAppRuntime.pkg/Contents/Resources/ProAppRuntime.pax.gz' | pax -r -s ',./System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/,./,' './System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BrowserKit.framework'

Press enter after typing cd /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks, then paste the next part as one whole line. After typing the sudo gunzip... line you may be prompted for your password.

If you are using Logic Studio, substitute Logic Studio for Final Cut Studio. If you are missing a different file, replace BrowserKit.framework with the other file's name (ProKit.framework is another common missing file).

4. If this doesn't work, replace the cd /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks line above with:
cd ~/Desktop

Then copy the same sudo gunzip... command from above. This will copy the file to your desktop. In the Finder, browse to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks and copy the file from your desktop to that folder. You may be prompted for your password.

5. If problems still persist after copying the file, it is likely that Final Cut Studio is expecting a later version of the framework than the one on the DVD. The only solution in this case is to copy it from a machine running the same version of Final Cut Studio as you, or to uninstall Final Cut Studio and then reinstall it from the DVD and patch it to the latest version.
Posted by Jon Chappell on Dec 12 2008 to Final Cut Studio, Apple, Software