If you are seeing unknown charges on your bank statement, please first check the name of the listed company. We bill as either "Digital Rebellion" (although this may be partially cut off on some statements) and "Kollaborate.tv". If you see anything else listed, that means it's not actually a charge by us.
What you are probably seeing on your bill is a charge called "CinePlay". CinePlay was a free online movie service of questionable legality and ethics that has since been shut down, however the company is still billing different services under the name "CinePlay". Because the site has been shut down it no longer appears on Google searches for that name. Instead, our site appears because we have unrelated software products called CinePlay for which we are well-positioned on Google. Note that these products are one-off purchases, not subscriptions, that are billed as "Digital Rebellion" and retail for a different price than the amount that was billed to your account.
The company that is billing your account is called iMovies Ltd and runs sites like ReelHD (you can read reviews here). Please contact that company for a refund. If you are unable to contact them or obtain a refund, please speak to your card provider about initiating a chargeback.