Maintain, optimize and troubleshoot your NLE
Professional cloud workflow platform
Simplified media management

Introducing the Digital Rebellion Podcast

We've just created a video podcast to show how to get the most out of Digital Rebellion products. We plan to show tutorials and demonstrations for common workflows and focus on tips and tricks that people don't know about. The first episode is the Cut Notes overview video from earlier this year and more episodes will be coming shortly.

You can subscribe in iTunes or via the direct feed. The Episode 1 video is available for direct download here. The podcast is free and is optimized for iPhone 4 and iPad.

We're open to requests for future tutorials so please let us know if there is something you'd specifically like to see.

Posted by Jon Chappell on Apr 22 2011 to DR News, Front Page News, Podcast

Introducing Pro Media Tools

We're proud to introduce our newest product, Pro Media Tools. Pro Media Tools is a suite of ten workflow utilities focused on processing and managing media, with functions including detecting gamma shifts, editing QuickTime movie metadata, batch renaming files and more.

There are many features that have been in demand for a long time, including notifying when a render is complete, editing markers and adding timecode tracks and reel names to QuickTime movies.

Pro Media Tools also marks our first foray into supporting multiple NLEs. Version 1.0 supports Final Cut Studio 2 and higher and Avid Media Composer 5.0 and higher for Mac*. The Avid support is primarily aimed at people using AMA workflows. Adobe Premiere Pro support will be coming shortly.

The full list of tools is as follows:

Auto Transfer

Detects when a drive is inserted containing P2, RED, AVCHD or XDCAM media and can automatically copy it to your computer. It can copy to multiple locations at once and verifies the copied data to ensure its integrity.

Various actions can be performed after the transfer has taken place, including showing the copied files in the Finder, opening up the clips in QuickTime Player or, if the clips are in a compatible format, importing them directly into a Final Cut Pro project.

Batch Renamer

This is a tool for renaming lots of files at once. There are lots of utilities on the market that do this but what makes Batch Renamer different is that it is designed specifically for post-production workflows. Consequently, it can deal with a large number of files easily and there are lots of features for managing frame numbers, including reversing, adjusting padding, closing gaps and reordering.

Edit Detector

Scans video files to locate where edits and scene changes occur. It doesn't look for timecode breaks but in fact scans the actual video frames. This means it can be used on pre-edited movies or files without timecode tracks.

Results can be exported in a variety of formats including Final Cut Pro marker lists, Avid locator files and EDLs.

Gamma Shift Detector

Allows you to compare two clips for shifts in gamma. It's designed for situations where you export a clip from an app such as After Effects and the resultant clip looks dark or washed out when compared to the original.

Just navigate to the same frame in both clips and click the Detect Gamma button. It will compare them and give you a percentage difference between the two. You can then use this percentage to go back to the app and compensate for the shift.

In some cases, the pixels will be identical but the gamma shift will be occurring due to a mismatch in metadata. In these cases, Gamma Shift Detector allows you to sync the metadata of the two clips with one button press.

Project Overview

This app will show you all media, effects and markers in your Final Cut Pro project. It will show you how many times a particular media file has been used and allow you to batch enable/disable or remove filters.

It also offers comprehensive marker editing capabilities including offsetting, custom printable data fields, label presets (to label all green markers as "Needs VFX" for instance) and the ability to import Final Cut Pro marker lists and Avid locator lists into an FCP project. It's a great companion to Cut Notes, our note-taking iPad app.

QT Edit

Edits QuickTime movies. You can add and remove tracks, import video and audio from other movie files, add timecode, add chapters (you can also import/export these as marker / locator lists and DVD Studio Pro chapter lists) and edit metadata.

Quick Bins

It took some of our beta testers a while to grasp this concept so I'll try to explain it as clearly as I can. Quick Bins is an automatic bin generator that speeds up sorting footage in your browser.

There are several types of quick bins available. A Bin Range generates a group of numbered bins, allowing you to quickly create empty bins for scenes 1-100 in your movie for instance.

A Smart Bin automatically sorts media into the bin if it matches the criteria you have chosen (e.g. "scene greater than 11" or "filename contains MVI_"). A Smart Bin Range takes this concept one step further, where you choose the criteria first and then Quick Bins automatically creates Smart Bins for each variation of the criteria.

As an example, in the screenshot below I selected "File Extension" as the criteria for the Smart Bin Range. Quick Bins went through all of the media files in the project and discovered files ending in .mov, .aiff and .tif, so it created new bins for each of these types and automatically sorted matching clips inside them.

Render Watcher

Watches Compressor batches, Final Cut Pro / Avid render files and any additional directories you specify for new renders. It can notify you with a growl alert, a sound, open the folder in Finder, open the clip in QuickTime Player, send an email, send a text message or send the file to another application such as Compressor.

Timeline Tricks

Performs common cleanup and time-saving tasks on Final Cut Pro sequences. It can collapse tracks, replace gaps with slugs, remove unused tracks, strip filters and more.

Video Check

Scans a video file for illegal luminance values, flash frames and audio peaks and shows the exact frame where errors are occurring. Can output results to FCP marker lists, Avid locators, CSV and text.

The suite is available for an introductory price of $99 and there is a 15-day trial available here. It will run on Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 on both Intel and PowerPC computers.

If you want to find out more about Pro Media Tools, check out screenshots and the user manual.

We're always keen to hear feedback, so contact us to let us know what you think and how well the suite fits in with your workflow. We have many more post production tools available here.

Update: Just a quick note for FCS Maintenance Pack users - when you install Pro Media Tools the FCS Maintenance Pack launcher will be removed and replaced with "Digital Rebellion App Launcher", so you will need to update any shortcuts or Dock aliases.

* Note: due to technical limitations, a few features of the suite are unavailable for Avid users.

Posted by Jon Chappell on Apr 8 2011 to DR News, Front Page News, Utilities

Introducing Aspect Ratio Calc for iPhone and iPad

Late last week we released Aspect Ratio Calc onto the iTunes App Store. It allows you to calculate aspect ratios and pixel dimensions for video. There are many preset aspect ratios for different formats to choose from and you can also specify a custom one.

Results can be copied to the clipboard or emailed.

The app will work on iOS devices running iOS 3.1.3 or higher, making it compatible with every iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad model. You can download the app here.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and will use it to improve our tools. Just use the feedback link within the app to tell us what you think.

Posted by Jon Chappell on Mar 28 2011 to Front Page News, DR News, Utilities

FCS Maintenance Pack 1.3.3 released

Today we released FCS Maintenance Pack 1.3.3, a bugfix release for our suite of tools for maintaining, optimizing and troubleshooting Final Cut Studio.

Version 1.3.2 had a lot of under-the-hood changes which introduced a bug into Corrupt Clip Finder that caused it to randomly flag up non-corrupt files. This has now been fixed. We also changed the way Corrupt Clip Finder displays scanning progress to bring it back to 1.3.1 functionality, based on user feedback.

We also took the time to update Crash Analyzer definitions and fix some other minor issues including Plugin Manager's Crash Tester not working correctly with plugins that need an admin password in order to be disabled.

Please note that when upgrading from version 1.3.1 or earlier, registered users will need to re-enter their registration information. We apologize for the inconvenience and you will only need to do this once.

Since we didn't post a blog entry for version 1.3.2, here are the notable changes since version 1.3.1:

Significantly improved Corrupt Clip Finder scanning times

We've made significant changes to Corrupt Clip Finder to drastically speed up the time it takes to perform a scan. My test project experienced a 300% speed increase and you could theoretically see improvements up to 1200%.

We've also added tooltips to each file in the list so that you can hover over it and see why it was flagged up.

Files trashed by FCS Housekeeper are no longer marked "in use"

Sometimes after performing a Comprehensive clean, the Finder would not let you empty the trash because some files were marked as being in use. The solution was to restart your computer or Secure Empty the trash, neither of which were convenient remedies.

We've now made sure that files in the trash are no longer marked as being in use and they can now be trashed without any error messages or additional steps.

Crash Analyzer printing and emailing

Crash Analyzer can now send logs as attachments to Mail and also print logs and definitions. This is just the start of many log management features we plan to introduce in future versions.

FCS Maintenance Pack is a must-have suite for Final Cut Studio editors. A free 15-day trial is available here.
Posted by Jon Chappell on Mar 7 2011 to DR News, Front Page News, Utilities

Cut Notes 1.0.2 released - note editing and more

Last week we released Cut Notes 1.0.2, a maintenance update for our iPad note-taking app.

This version fixes a crash some users had been getting when pressing buttons, as well as fixing an issue with misinterpretation of shorthand timecode.

We've been listening to your feedback and version 1.0.2 adds the ability to edit notes. Just switch to portrait mode and press the Edit button at the top. Click Done when you've finished.

Another nice tweak in this version is that when you double-tap a button to expand upon a note, after you press Enter, Cut Notes will scroll back to whichever button page you were originally on.

Finally, please note that we have changed the way Final Cut Pro marker lists are generated. The note text is now added to the marker name instead of the comment, meaning that you can ctrl-click on the timeline header and see all of the markers listed by name.

Cut Notes 1.0.2 is free for existing users or $7.99 for new users.

Posted by Jon Chappell on Mar 7 2011 to DR News, Front Page News, Utilities

Film Rate Calc 1.0.1 released - iPad support and more

Last week we released Film Rate Calc 1.0.1, which adds iPad support and backwards-compatibility for iOS 3.1.3 devices, as well as fixing a few bugs.

Film Rate Calc enables you to calculate the amount of film required to shoot for a certain amount of time, and vice versa. This is really useful in planning the most efficient use of your film and should be in any script supervisor's toolkit.

Film Rate Calc is available on the App Store for $1.99.

Posted by Jon Chappell on Mar 7 2011 to DR News, Front Page News, Utilities

FCP Versioner 1.2.8 released - printing overhaul and more

Earlier this week we released FCP Versioner 1.2.8, a minor update to our tool for backing up Final Cut Pro projects and generating changelogs.

We've noticed that most people are backing up the entire project which can take a while if the project is large. This is not always necessary and for larger projects we recommend only backing up the sequence you are currently working on. You will notice a significant speed improvement if you do this.

Version 1.2.8 will now prompt you to backup a specific sequence when you import a large project, but for existing projects you can simply go to the Projects tab, click the Backup dropdown and select Choose sequence.

As well as the usual bug fixes, performance improvements and memory optimizations, we've also overhauled printing to provide more reliable results.

The full list of changes is below:

  • When adding a large project, users are now prompted to backup a specific sequence rather than the entire project for improved performance
  • Folders can now be dragged into the main window to add all contained projects to the list
  • Complete printing overhaul
  • Performance and memory usage optimizations
  • Fixed an issue where icons in the backup type popup menu would appear blurred
  • Several crashes fixed
  • General bug fixes, tweaks and improvements

FCP Versioner is available for $59 and a free 15-day trial is available here. This update is free for registered users.

Posted by Jon Chappell on Feb 18 2011 to DR News, Utilities, Front Page News

Cut Notes 1.0.1 - time-of-day timecode, hold button and more

Cut Notes 1.0.1 was just released onto the iOS App Store. We've received a lot of feedback on the previous version and the changes we've made in 1.0.1 reflect many of your requested features.

Here are some of the biggest changes in this version:

Time-of-Day Timecode

Time-of-Day timecode is now an option in the Project Settings window. This automatically syncs the timecode to the iPad's clock and is very useful in live TV broadcasts.

Hold button

Need more time to find the note key you were looking for? Simply press the Hold button and the timecode display will freeze with the timecode counter still running in the background. Press the button you were looking for and the timecode display will catch up with your NLE to maintain synchronization.

When using the keyboard to type a custom note, Hold will automatically be activated to ensure the note is added at the point you started typing.

Double-tap to Edit

Double-tap a note key to automatically scroll to the keyboard view and add extra information to the note.

Other Changes

  • Shortcuts such as periods and partial timecodes are now accepted in timecode boxes
  • When creating a new project, Cut Notes now remembers the previous settings chosen
  • When setting a project to PAL, start timecode now defaults to 10:00:00:00 for European broadcast compliance
  • Fixed a crash when rotating the app
  • Fixed a bug that could cause entered timecode to be incorrect
  • Fixed an issue with projects being renamed upon saving

Our policy when developing new applications is to target a specific user group or workflow to keep things manageable and then expand that userbase over time. We have a roadmap for the future that includes NLE synchronization, among many other exciting features, and your feedback helps us prioritize this feature list.

Posted by Jon Chappell on Jan 25 2011 to DR News, Front Page News, Utilities

Introducing Cut Notes

I'm proud to introduce our newest product, Cut Notes, an iPad app for taking timecoded notes during a screening.

We've been collaborating on this app with Nate Orloff, who saw a need for a way to create notes during a screening with a producer or director without having to tediously write timecode by hand.

The app primarily operates in landscape view. There are pages of buttons corresponding to common notes such as "Bad Cut" or "Too Fast." Taking a note is as simple as pressing a button, and the buttons can be completely customized to fit your workflow.

To enter a more detailed note, swipe to the right to reveal the keyboard. To view and delete notes, simply rotate the app to portrait mode.

Cut Notes is designed to be as platform- and NLE-agnostic as possible. Consequently, it will work with Final Cut Pro, Avid Media Composer, Premiere, iTunes, QuickTime or indeed any application that's capable of playing back video or audio. Just select the correct frame rate and timecode settings and then press play in Cut Notes and your NLE at the same time.

Notes can be exported as plain text, Avid locator files, Final Cut Pro marker lists or CSV files for importing into Excel. There is no built-in way to import marker lists into Final Cut Pro so we created a helper app called Cut Notes Marker Import.

For more information on Cut Notes, check out our demonstration video, user manual and our Facebook and Twitter pages. There is a feedback link within the app and we'd be keen to hear what people think of it.

Posted by Jon Chappell on Jan 8 2011 to Front Page News, DR News, Utilities

New year, new look

We're excited to announce the much-needed redesign of our web site. The old site was designed four years ago with a different purpose in mind and quickly outgrew itself.

As well as looking nicer, the new design is much easier to navigate to help you quickly find the information you need. It's also been streamlined with many extraneous pages removed.

Our recommended web browser is Firefox 3.6 and higher, but it also works well on Safari, Chrome and Internet Explorer 8. Internet Explorer 6 is not supported.

Every page has a feedback link at the bottom so if you spot any errors, broken links or incompatibilities, please use these links to notify us. Remember to state which browser you're using.

This is just one of the many exciting announcements we have coming up, so stay tuned for more.

Posted by Jon Chappell on Jan 8 2011 to DR News, Front Page News