< Blog HomeA quick note on Feedback
We've been getting a lot of feedback recently about the site which has enabled us to improve it significantly based on your suggestions.
The feedback form at the bottom of every page is intended to be anonymous. The only thing we log is your IP address in order to prevent abuse, but this cannot be directly linked to a person (well, it can but only to law enforcement officials and not mere mortals). So if you report a problem or ask a question, there is no possible way for us to reply or assist you directly, as we have no way of contacting you. If you have a question or problem that would require a reply, please include your email address in the message so that we can contact you.
I'm writing this post because this has happened a LOT and I don't want to give the impression that we have poor customer support - it's just that we physically have no way of getting back to you unless you specifically provide it.
Thanks to everyone who submitted feedback.
Posted by Jon Chappell on Nov 19 2007 to
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