Maintain, optimize and troubleshoot your NLE
Professional cloud workflow platform
Simplified media management
We initially started out as a company developing solutions for Final Cut Studio users on the Mac. Final Cut Pro was a growing application that had made many inroads into professional film and TV production and was bringing lots of new users to the Mac for the first time.
Then Apple released Final Cut Pro X which threw a wrench into the engine of many post houses and developers like ourselves. The fallout of Apple's decision, one year on, is that the market has become heavily fragmented. There is no clear market leader - some have embraced FCPX, others Adobe, Avid, Autodesk or Lightworks, with many still keeping FCP 7 for now.
We were quick to add cross-NLE support to our applications but we were aware of an underlying thread within the post production industry that some were not keen to trust Apple with their livelihoods anymore.
We monitored this underlying unease for a while, unsure what was going to happen. We noticed it steadily growing until it reached fever-pitch two weeks ago when Apple released a non-update to their two-year-old Mac Pro and the web came alive with articles on switching to Windows or building a Hackintosh.
Not everyone will be switching to Windows - this is a logical continuation of the market fragmentation that already exists - but we want to support the NLEs and platforms that our customers use.
We've been dabbling with Windows development this year and already have a Windows 7 version of our popular organization app, Post Haste. We're now ready to announce that by the end of this year, most of the applications we create will have Windows equivalents.
We'll still support the Mac just as much as before, but now future products will be developed with cross-platform compatibility in mind, much as we develop for cross-NLE compatibility today.
On that note, we're going to start beta testing some of our Windows ports soon and are looking for Windows-based editors to help test them. We're looking for editors or production houses using Avid or Adobe Creative Suite on Windows 7 or 8. If you're interested in being a part of this, please contact us.