< Blog HomeWorkarounds for the QuickTime 7.4 rendering issues in After Effects
I have heard
claims that it is caused by DRM and I have heard claims that it is just a case of
adjusting a preference.
The preference in question is the
"Show legacy encoders" option. Unfortunately I can't test this out myself as I don't have the CS3 version of AE and I wouldn't really want to install QT 7.4 even if I did. However, people are reporting that adjusting this preference makes no difference. I would imagine that this is correct, as the option simply shows and hides
encoders in the QuickTime menus.
This problem only affects sequences longer than 9:59 (I have also heard 9:57 but it doesn't make much difference) in length. If you are exporting sequences shorter than this, you will not be affected.
The bug only affects QuickTime exports. A workaround is to export to an image sequence (I recommend
TIFFs). Final Cut Pro doesn't work well with image sequences and it will really slow down your timeline, so I recommend then converting the images to a movie in QuickTime.
To do this, fire up QuickTime and go to File > Open Image Sequence. Choose the
first frame of the sequence and click Open. Select your desired frame rate and click Ok.
You now have two options: you can go to File > Save As and save it as a self-contained movie or the second option is to go to File > Export and choose an export format. The former will make no changes to the quality of the images and the second one will recompress it to a given format (such as
DV). The latter option is recommended if you are placing it in a Final Cut Pro sequence, as it will not require rendering if you match the sequence settings.
This workaround can be applied to any application that is having difficulties with the latest QuickTime update.
Posted by Jon Chappell on Jan 24 2008 to
Visual Effects,